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Playlist import


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I created a playlist in VLC player on my PC. Now the question is how do I get it on my phone & is there a way I can just get the songs in this playlist and copy them to the phone?

(Many songs on this playlist are currently only on my PC)

(Is there a program that can just do this task? (copying the songs from the playlist to my phone))

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If you do not find anything for the pc, i would create a .m3u playlist and use a text editor to prefix each line with cp (+ space) and add (+space) c:\temp to each line. Then give it a .bat extension instead of .m3u. Then double click it. This will copy those tracks to c:\temp from whic you can copy them to your device.

Use the global replace function of your editor. For instance replace F:\music with cp F:\music where F:\music is your root music folder. Then replace .mp3 with .mp3 c:\temp assuming they are all .mp3 files

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First of all thanks for the answer.

But it doesn't seem to work, maybe you can tell me what I did wrong. The but opens and I see some lines in the newly opened window but it doesn't stay open long enough that I could read what it says.

I have .mp3 and .flac so I replaced ".mp3" with ".mp3 D:/tmp" and ".flac"  with ".flac D:/tmp"

This would be the first 3 lines of the .m3u playlist. (after those 3 lines there is just the stuff for the next track.)

#EXTINF:235,Marteria/Casper - Champion Sound

And I changed it to this:

#EXTINF:235,Marteria/Casper - Champion Sound
file:///cp H:/_Music/Marteria%20&%20Casper/Marteria%20&%20Casper%20-%20Champion%20Sound.mp3 D:/tmp


(I want to copy them to my (D:) harddrive because (C:) is an SSD which I don't want to write/read more than necessary)

Do I have to delete the "file:///" in every line or something like that?

(I also tried creating the tmp-folder and than run the .bat again. Didn't work either & I tried again after I changed the "D:/tmp" to "D:\tmp")

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So I now have only lines which start with "cp H:" and so on in the .bat but it still doesn't work :(


This is now the line for the first track:

cp H:\_Music/Marteria%20&%20Casper/Marteria%20&%20Casper%20-%20Champion%20Sound.mp3 D:\temp

"cp H:/" and "D:/temp" also don't work (which should be the right one, because I created the playlist on windows and this was the format it used)


What am I still doing wrong?


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The format of the initial .m3u playlist seems to contain url's rather than fully qualified paths.



should be

H:\_Music/Marteria Casper\Marteria  Casper  - Champion Sound.mp3

How did you create this?

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20 hours ago, NianderWallace said:

I created a playlist in VLC player on my PC.

So I opened VLC which then shows an empty playlist where I drag and dropped the songs in and then I saved it as an .xspf and as an .m3u

I think I'm just gonna copy those files by hand ("only" 50 files) but the REAL problem is probably to get the playlist work in the Poweramp app.

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I tested VLC and yes, it creates .m3u playlists but not in a format that is common for this type of playlist.

If you want to continue to use this method then I suggest you use foobar for example.

I have attached 2 files, the one with .bat is to copy the playlist tracks to D:\temp

The other one you copy to your device and use the import facility of my app. (I believe the free version has this too)

Before importing, ensure that android scanning has completed. The new playlist will be an android playlist so you need to import it into Poweramp.




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Thanks for all the work & help it worked about 80% or something.

I have all the tracks on my phone now (few from the .bat did not work because of ÄÖÜ and some other symbols, which I copied manually)

And the Playlist import also doesn't work completely. According to the log file only 3 songs would be missing (Probably because I already have them on the phone but they are named or stored differently than on my PC)

But the playlist only has 41 songs (instead of the 53 which worked according to the log from your app) on the Poweramp app. I will just add the rest manually.

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