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lockscreen visualizer

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Hey team,
Not sure if this is something that had asked before.

Was expecting some lockscreen visualizer something like muviz or https://www.google.co.in/search?client=ms-unknown&biw=455&bih=503&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=3FYvW9zSGsvFvQSB1rn4Dg&q=visualizer++Android&oq=visualizer++Android&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..0i5i30l2j0i8i30l2j0i24.86252.87243..87961...0....138.1112.2j8......0....1.8l647WI%2Bt9Y%3D#imgdii=6Og5pAt9mxtAKM:&imgrc=7FDFyHIJKVdzxM:

I tend to display my mobile in deskstand and stream music via Bluetooth. So a visualizer with display always on/off  should really showcase my mobile(ppl with similar preference) on the desk. Lot of mobiles these days mobile comes with led/OLED display that can lit individual pixels Without compromising the battery.Can you make this feature available please..... Your product can really make the difference..n stand out .


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