I feel like I am losing my mind here.
I added an album with individual album covers for each song to Poweramp, everything worked without a problem, but I realised there was a mistake with one song‘s cover, which I tried to fix by changing that specific song‘s cover. To my surprise, all songs in the album now use this Cover, which I did not expect. But that was an error on my part, no problem.
It‘s just that I cannot manage to revert this setting. I made Poweramp delete all the files from storage, removed the folder from its library, manually deleted all the files, did rescans between every step and still, every time the album loads into the library, all Songs have the same album cover, which is the one it ‚remembered‘ from before deleting it. The files themselves still have their individual cover art, playing the same songs on another music player works fine with the album covers.
Is there any way to just reset all the songs to using their embedded album art?
Thanks for your help!