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File based playlists & special characters in MP3 tags

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I noticed that after importing file based playlist (.m3u) files, several tracks were missing from the playlist. After investigating this I found that both tracks contained special characters within the TAG such as accents. These tracks did not show up within the playlist.

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By coincidence, i am trying to troubleshoot the same issue for one of my app users. The m3u holds french accent graves, accent aigu and circonflexes. Interesting that Poweramp appears to validate the tracks but seems unable to interpret the characters correctly. Does your device locale/language settings correspond?

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Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately using the .M3U8 format did not help. Mediamonkey appears to handle the characters correctly, but PA does not. Yes my device is configured to English, but does not correspond the language being used for the tracks. I think that is what you are asking. I sync via Mediamonkey and play via PA. It sounds better. I wish PA offered a sync from PC option.

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