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folder view settings


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hi. I have selected folders in my music folder to show up. it's there a way to have only the root folder be listed (and not all the folders inside all the music folders)? I don't see see a setting where I can control level of folders that to be displayed (only root folder or root +1 folder level inside root folder, etc.) thanks so much in advance. 


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I want to show all the folders in music folder by default. the issue I see is that there is no option to show all folders within music by default. if I select all folders, Poweramp shows the music folder. a workaround is to copy  all the folders inside the music folder to the level of the music folder and select only those. if this is the case, please take a ticket to add this functionality. thanks so much. 

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If you want to see all of the folders within your top-level Music folder at once, within the initial Folders view tap Menu > List Options and choose Hierarchy. Then you will see all your folders (as long as they have contents) in one long list which you don't need to drill down into.


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Screenshot_2017-10-10-13-35-02-927_com.maxmpz.audioplayer.thumb.png.fdde80faa5381e807ea80eca3dc420ed.pngI guess my communication skills aren't as ideal as I would like them to be. let me try one last time - I want the default folder view to show only the folder level inside the Music folder (and not all the folders in all the levels inside Music folder). see attached image.  Possible? 

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So having done what I suggested, what do you see that is not what you are asking for? With the two settings I advised you to select, what I see on my phone when starting Poweramp is exactly as per your screenshot (well, apart from being my own folder list not yours! :) )

If you don't use Hierarchy view, you will see all of you top-level folders when you start PA. Remember that you can have multiple folders selected in the Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders directory list, and each of those ticked folders will be displayed as a 'root item' when you start PA in the mode I suggested. If you only have one folder in use (e.g. /sdcard/Music) then that is what you will see. If you have more than one ticked, you will see all of the ticked folders. So if you want to see more than one folder shown in PA's root-level display, tick them separately rather than just ticking 'Music' only in the list. (i.e. in Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders, untick /Music in the list and then drill down and tick each of its first-level subfolders instead). The only downside to this is if you later add a new first-level folder inside your /Music folder (genre-named folders in your example above) you would need to manually add it into the Music Folders list.


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