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iTunes Server Support

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I see a request for DLNA support, which would be excellent, but would an iTunes server option be possible too? I access my iTunes Server from all devices on my LAN e.g PC, Mac etc and it would be good to be able to access the same iTunes server library from my phone when I'm at home; the server is run from a NAS not a pc etc.

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  • 10 months later...

So, there I was...the best music player on the Android Market HMHO, when suddenly I realized that I couldn't access the music folders on my PC.

"Surely, not. This is the best player out there and something as fundemental as accessing my music folder(s) on my local network should be fairly universal among Android music players!" I said to myself.

"Apparently not,", I replied, "There are lots of ways to do it, but I can't seem to find a simple interface that would tie my Poweramp ap to a network savy ap like say..ES File Explorer."

"Ah ha!", says I, "Maybe I'll check the Poweramp forum and see if anybody else has the overwhelming desire to access their music from one central location, not necessarily on the "Cloud".

But, a funny thing happened on the way to the forum... There seemed to be little interest so let's see if we can generate some! How about it fellow Poweramp'ers! Anybody else got a' hankerin' to play from a local network and not from my already data soaked Android?

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It is already "possible" to stream from a network share on a rooted device. The device must either include the network sharing CIFS "module" or it must be loaded on the fly and then shares from other machines can be mapped but, as far as I can tell Poweramp can only find them if they are mapped to the SD card NOT to somewhere in the root of the device (I asked for this ages ago in another post but dont "think" it's been implemented. In my case the SD is internal to the phone (Nexus S) and non expandable so doesnt "really" matter but I imagine a removeable card may be slower to some degree hence my "map to the root partition" request )

Anyhow ... I think you would be well served to investigate the use of the CIFS module for many reasons. Backing up to a desktop machine easily comes to mind as does the streaming of media etc etc etc.

PM me or post back here if you are stuck and need a litttle encouragement to tackle the CIFS thing. It's well worth the effort if you are at all a "geek". It is all automated here so that when in range of the home wifi the network drives get automatixally connected and disconnected upon leaving range.




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  • 2 months later...


It is already "possible" to stream from a network share on a rooted device. The device must either include the network sharing CIFS "module" or it must be loaded on the fly and then shares from other machines can be mapped but, as far as I can tell Poweramp can only find them if they are mapped to the SD card NOT to somewhere in the root of the device (I asked for this ages ago in another post but dont "think" it's been implemented. In my case the SD is internal to the phone (Nexus S) and non expandable so doesnt "really" matter but I imagine a removeable card may be slower to some degree hence my "map to the root partition" request )

Anyhow ... I think you would be well served to investigate the use of the CIFS module for many reasons. Backing up to a desktop machine easily comes to mind as does the streaming of media etc etc etc.

PM me or post back here if you are stuck and need a litttle encouragement to tackle the CIFS thing. It's well worth the effort if you are at all a "geek". It is all automated here so that when in range of the home wifi the network drives get automatixally connected and disconnected upon leaving range.





What is the best way to automate this? I am using CIFS Manger mounting a Windows share on the sdcard of my SGSII, but Poweramp all the time phone disconnects from Wifi needs to rescan all Library, that really make it impossible to use (>400GB).


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  • 3 weeks later...

It would be nice if the developer(s) just added in a media server support i agree...the only reason i use bubble upnp on a lan now is because PA cant stream from my tversity media server i dont know how hard it would be to add but i request this feature too...

Ps if u want an example download the free version of bubble upnp and enable streaming on ur computer.

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  • 9 months later...

What a great app! I love the fact i can play 96khz files, just fantastic (not to mention the slick ui, eq and everything else). Having just purchased the unlocker, I would like to add my request for streaming audio to the phone over wifi.

I want to see Poweramp as one of the choices available when I use an audio file, in a file browser such as ES file explorer, hosted on another device over a wifi lan connection. If it could then advance through the files in that folder, and play them as if in a list, that would be amazing. Barring that, it would be nice to be able to add files to the queue. If that would fall under the responsibility of the programmers of the file browser, you could maybe add an option in Poweramp to add files to the queue as they are opened to stream (could you just load the address into the queue and not load the song into RAM?).

I have seen a couple other requests like mine but I don't think

I saw anything like this on the to-do list, unless 'cloud services' would include this? I don't think it would.

Anyways, great job on this app, I love it.  Even if this feature cannot be fully implemented, it's still the best audio player for android!

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Yes I really agree. Wifi streaming support is very required to add to Poweramp. I admit that it is a bit strange that even unlocked version has not still equipped in streaming support.

Please let all of Poweramp user when streaming support will be available for Poweramp!!!!!!!

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Once again I want to ask for streaming (UnPn) support for Poweramp. I bought Poweramp in December 2012 but now I simply don't use it because of lack of this option.

I have started up media server and I want to use all my media on different devices: PC, PS3, Android Phone, Media Droid (media center on Android) and now as for Android devices I am stuck with other music player - now Poweramp, that is great app is useless.

I want to see Poweramp as one of the choices available when I use an audio file, in a file browser such as ES file explorer, hosted on another device over a wifi LAN connection. Of course it would be much better if I could by Poweramp scan folder on hard disk of mediaserver through wi-fi connection.

please let us all Poweramp user know, when streaming support is going to be available for Power Amp.

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"Of course it would be much better if I could by Poweramp scan folder on hard disk of mediaserver through wi-fi connection."

lol I didn't even think of that. You should be able to add network locations to the media library scanning function.

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We have plans to implement DNLA as source for audio (i.e. Poweramp will be able to browse/play UPnP available servers).

Though UPnP/DNLA (as target) audio streaming means mp3 streaming in fact (supported by almost all DNLA devices), meaning everything except mp3 will be re-encoded into mp3.

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I had to look up dnla, and although that is a nice feature to support, it's not what I'm looking for. I don't want another piece of software on my pc to be required to stream audio to Poweramp. The audio files are already there, the location is already shared on the network, my phone can browse the network, I can use other android apps to play those audio files but Poweramp isn't one of them. Without adding network browsing capabilities, alowing Poweramp to be chosen from a list of apps that play audio seems like something easy to implement.

There may be something more to the upnp side that I'm not aware of, but requiring a media serving program on the host pc sounds bad. And converting all audio to mp3 sounds even worse. I can stream HD video to my phone but not HD audio? What would be the bitrate of audio after conversion to mp3?

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  • 1 month later...

I agree definetly! I installed Music Pump DAAP Player today, which is made for playing music from iTunes Server / DAAP / fireflymediaserver / ... (running on all these NAS servers).


It works great, but the music player is far worse than Poweramp !!!

Please add DAAP support for NAS access!!

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