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Speed up folder Scan


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Not really a problem, but I help some hints ... how to speed up the scanning of folders. I am using 2 128GB Sticks (USB3) for my music. All are flac files, folder depth is two (/artist/album/). It takes about 10min until everything is scanned (my tablet does nothing meanwhile). Is there a methode to speed things up? cue files? Or anything I can improve?

Beside I have to scan because my tablet is changing the mounting point of the sticks by random (I do not know why, may be a problem with timur or with the system it self since sticky mount light does the same).

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This is a recurring issue. Each time you disconnect your sdcard ( or usb drives) android and Poweramp will notice and rescan for media. As the usb drives no longer exist, both android and Poweramp will update their databases ie remove all tracks no longer found. When you plug it back in, they both start scanning and update their databases again. So not only does pa scan but at the same time android too. Remember, Android devices were not really designed to support large drives so this whole process of scanning takes so much time.

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Even my PC would take a while to scan 256GB of files (remember that PA needs to open each music file it finds in order to read the tag data into the Library). But the bigger problem is your system renaming the directory each time, which would force PA to treat each file as a new one rather than just looking for changes. (Does giving the USB sticks names when you format them help?)


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The problem is located in androids media scanner (com.android.providers.media). This beast really sucks...

The good news is that you can switch off scanning. The bad news - you must have a rooted device. Media providers database ist split up into a system and a user database called "external.db" and "internal.db". external.db contains all the user media stuff and internal.db holds system sounds, ringtones etc. Therefore you should only switch off the user database but never internal.db

I used a boot manager to restrict rights of MediaScannerReceiver (screenshot) and scanning for new media files will stop until the rights are set to default values.

Poweramp is configured to manually scan for new media. There is no more delay when attaching a memory device which is already part of Poweramps library. And battery draining is disappered.


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