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Switch to play mode after Android standby mode.


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I have Android Car Head unit. I'm using Poweramp app for playing music.

After the standby mode the Poweramp app resumes, but it's in pause mode. Can you make an option in your app, that the Poweramp can switch to play mode (not pause) after standby mode?

Best regards



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Hi Andre,

My android car stereo always starts from the beginning of the track when every I switch off the ignition. he unit does not shut down, but goes into sleep mode, so when I switch the ignition on the unit is ready to play after 1-2 second. I think it also does this when I switch from one app back to Poweramp. The app that came with the unit restarts where It left off, even after a full reboot.



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I am using V2 588.

I tested this morning to see if it still did it when switching to another source. If I go to the radio and back to PA, it remembers where the last position, but still have to press play to make it play. So it seems it does not remember when switching the ignition off/on, even though its in sleep mode, not switch off.


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All I have to do it press the power button with the ignition off and the unit come on straight away. if it had powered down it would do a reboot with the Android logo. the stock music play remembers the last track position and start to play immediately, I would say its more of a standby than sleep.


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yes as soon as I start the car, Poweramp comes on, takes about 5 sec for Poweramp to confirm the usb file, then the time flashes. I then press the play button. It remember the file it was playing, but always starts back to the beginning of the file. do you want me to post a video of it?


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