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Randomize queue/playlist


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I'm not sure if this feature exists or it's just well hidden? If so please point me to where it is.


I'm not talking about shuffle, i want the order of the queue/playlist randomized as shuffle never really seems to work all that great.


Most of the time i just queue up all my music and listen to it from a to z but there are times where i would like to listen to just a few albums and would love the list to be randomized.



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I tend to use the queue as a temporary "throw away" playlist. While I'm listening to a list I might suddenly find I want to listen to an odd specific song or two, which the queue allows me to do seamleasly (after the current song has finished) without losing my place in the regular playback order. I actually use it quite a bit now I've worked out how to use it best.


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I know the shuffle feature exists I've just never found it all that great when you have a large queue of songs, it seems to just start repeating songs after awhile.


Playlists would work, yes, but that would require the list to be predetermined right? I've never really created and used playlists before.


Here's an example of what I'd want to do:

Add 5 albums to the queue from random artists, then have the queue randomized so i can listen from start to finish and not have to worry about trying to use shuffle.


Maybe I'm asking to much from an Android media player?

I've been using Winamp on my PC for years and I've always used the randomize list feature over shuffle as there is zero chance of hearing repeated songs.

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I'm sure it would be possible to add a randomise feature to the queue, even though that's not really what it's designed for, but in the meantime just use the 'Add to Playlist' option instead of 'Enqueue' when you long-press on albums. Then when it's created, long-press on the resulting playlist and tap 'Shuffle' to play it randomised. If you want to hear it again, great, but if not, just delete it once you're done with it.

Shuffle is meant to be designed to avoid repeating any items until the whole list is finished, but occasionally other people have thought that tracks have repeated in the meantime. It's a hard one to duplicate and test of course, being random in the first place.


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Shuffle is meant to be designed to avoid repeating any items until the whole list is finished, but occasionally other people have thought that tracks have repeated in the meantime. It's a hard one to duplicate and test of course, being random in the first place.


Exactly why i would prefer to have a randomize option, that way you are guaranteed no repeats.

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