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Album Art selection settings


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you're player is really awesom, i dont really miss any feature! I am on Android for some days and found it, when i searched for a player with equalizer as my device has a low maximum loudness and i think will buy it at the end of the test period due to the fact that all the other players i found are not really as good as yours. But it's the first time i am on a payed app platform, so firstly i have to look how the android market payment thing work...

now here is my request:

i have alot samplers on my SD and i dont like to see the sampler cover for a song, but more likely the cover of the real album of the single or at least only a picture of the artist, so maybe you could add an option to chose what Poweramp search for:

artist + album


artist + title

artist + album + title

btw.: i read something about Poweramp 2.0... if i buy 1.1, i will be able to use 2.0 with the same licence?

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Hi, thanks for the feedback/request.

PowerAMP actually binds downloaded album art to (one of the):

- artist + album

- artist + title (singles)

From searching practice, searching for just title or artist or just album makes little sense (non-appropriate trash is found). Searching for artist + album + title also doesn't make much sense, you'll get the best results for artist + album query, as it matches album.

But I'll think about adding more options to album art engine, may be even the rules proposed by you (via some options).

2.0 will be a bigger update to 1.*, so yes, you'll be able to use it with the same license/Unlocker.

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how does Poweramp chose weather it uses artist + album or artist + title? i would like to be able to force the search for artist + title to avoid searching for the sampler's name. is there a prefered release date for 2.0 (without guarantee)?

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