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What's the status of Smart Playlists?


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I'm frequently changing the music stored on my phone so any kind of static playlist is out of the question. I completely fail to understand why PA doesn't offer decent tag-based smart playlist and still haven't lost all hopes this may change. Mind you, I actually don't (because can't) use PA because of this. I'm using GoneMad player instead, but I do love PA's artwork.


Long story short - what's the official status of this very elementary and state-of-the-art feature?

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Are you asking about automatically generated playlists based on recently songs, star ratings, etc, so something different?


Like almost all players since iTunes I want to be a able to construct smart playlists like these examples:


"all music" -> genre does not contain "audiobook" and genre does not contain "speech" (2 rules)

"rock & pop" -> genre contains "rock" or genre contains "pop" (2 rules)


It's totally beyond me why PA doesn't do this, even though it was promised to be implemented years ago for that mysterious 3.0 version: http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/3772-please-consider-smart-playlist-for-future-updates/

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So you're not talking about smart playlists (i.e. auto generating stuff) but rule-based logic. I don't think that's ever been promised has it? It does sound a good idea though, but there are a heck of a lot of other requests still to be addressed.


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So you're not talking about smart playlists (i.e. auto generating stuff) but rule-based logic. I don't think that's ever been promised has it? It does sound a good idea though, but there are a heck of a lot of other requests still to be addressed.


See the link I provided in my previous post. Anyway, as a matter of fact, the term "smart playlist" is very well defined as being rule based in the field of music players. Apple iTunes was one of the first to offer it and, as stated, you will find it in many other Android players. PA pulled a little trick calling those shortcuts playlists based on ratings and play state "smart playlists", but that's bending the truth a bit.


But anyway, it seems like the majority of PA users doesn't care for this. So I'll keep sticking with GMMP.

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