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Album Art Question


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So essentially I read another post but figured I'd ask anyways.  I have a ton of albums on my phone.....Somehow or another there are a few "Greatest Hits" compilations that are somehow always grouped together and no matter how many times I change the name (IE: Artist: Greatest Hits) if it does fix it the wrong album art is chosen.  How easy is it to make it so PA finds the album art for the said album?  Is it as easy as dropping the jpeg into the music folder on my phone?



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You can put the art into the folder (e.g. as Cover.jpg, AlbumArt.jpg, etc) but as you have said there are some possible issues within Library mode with different albums having the exact same title as each other. It might be worth using the album titles such as "ABBA Greatest Hits", "Genesis Greatest Hits", etc rather than calling them all just "Greatest Hits".


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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't know why embedded cover art can't be made the default album for the file. I've put album art that I chose using an editor into all my files. These are images I want for the files. Even if some artist have several albums called "Greatest Hits", the image of the  "Greatest Hits" that I've embedded should be used. It seems that simple.

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Is it as easy as dropping the jpeg into the music folder on my phone?


Yes, you can do that, if you organize by 1 album per folder, but I seem to have more trouble when I do that than when the art is in the "album_art" folder. But I don't have many greatest hits albums.
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I'm finding that when I open Poweramp from a home screen or apps list and choose a song from my list of mp3s on my sdcard, the embedded art that I have for that song is shown. But if I use a text editor app like FX and select one of my songs from the same list, a selection window opens with whatever mp3 player apps I have that can be used and I choose Poweramp from that list, the album art is a randomly chosen one. Does Poweramp work differently when opened on its own as opposed to being opened from a list of apps? I hope I haven't confused anyone. 

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