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OMG i hate setting up playlists!


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i moved to a new phone and it's a mare. it's a total PITA using Poweramp to do anything with playlists - won't even let me move 1 song up 1 place in the list.

i have to use winamp to setup the new playlists on the new phone, then import them info Poweramp but i made a single mistake in the song order and can't fix it in Poweramp or winamp so have to delete the playlists and reimport again in the right order.

there has to be an easier way than this!

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i tried that and the playlists were moved over but of course the songs were in a different location. i assume it's due to the sgs2s sd card being linked to (root>external_sd>) and in the note 2 both storage devices appear as 2 separate spaces. the playlists were therefore empty :(

all fixed now via winamp sync and then importing into Poweramp.

p.s am i missing something or is there really no way to move a song up in the playlist order on the phone itself?

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You can move songs up and down if you create a playlist then just choose playlist you want to play (in order to do this just tap on music sign in the top of main Poweramp screen, choose playlist and in playlist you can drag songs by taping and hollding it by the two triangles near time length of the song.

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  • 6 months later...

For a real easy way to create playlists, try my app "Playlist Manager" on Google Play.  It maintains playlists for android but has a special "export to m3u" feature. All you need to do is tell Poweramp to also scan the folder playlist_manager. Several options are available too such as relative or absolute path, unix or windows format.

If you were to loose your m3u playlist, simply create it again using my app. Apart from this, it has some other nice features and makes the creation of playlists a sinecure.

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