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Please add more support for whole album listeners


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Hi there,

Poweramp is a quite good player, but for me it lacks some important features as I am only listening to complete album (I know, very old school behaviour).

For example the "recently added" list is only song based, which is absolutly irrelevant to me. I´d like to see which albums I recently added and add it as a whole and not file by file to my playlist. As well there should be a album oriented playlist or at least album related operations on playlists like removing complete albums and so on.

Hopefully somethings like this can be seen in some of the next releases.



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  • 2 weeks later...

thirded. It would be also good just to play an album from folder view and have it stop at the end of that album without bothering to put each invidual album into a separate folder. It used to do that but it doesn't seem to any more, or at least I can't figure out how to get it to do that.

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  • 3 months later...

I've just spent around 40 minutes searching for a way to play an album I select from the library without having to create a playlist. I think that's what's being asked for here. IE to select the album from the library, have it play all the tracks on the album in track number sequence and stop when it's played the last track. In which case I wholeheartedly support this request.

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  • 4 months later...


my app "PLaylist Manager" on Google Play has been specifically designed for people with old school behaviour. It not only allows you to create a new playlist with simply 1 album, it does better than that, It can create a playlist where the albums are randomly selected. You decide how many albums you want. To play this in Poweramp, export the playlist as an m3u file and tell Poweramp to scan the folder playlist_manager. Bob's your uncle!!

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