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Resources Not Found Exception causes bootcrashes


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Poweramp Build Num :- build-984-bundle-play (beta build)

device model:- Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Android version:- 12

reproduce :- build the powerampAPi project's poweramp_provider_sample -> install it -> go to library and add the root 3 (which is streams) -> play it -> close the Poweramp -> rebuild project and install automatically and go to Poweramp and it crashes automatically like bootloop but it is bootcrashes

Logs :- I couldn't even open Poweramp settings screen as it was crashing 1 second after launching app so I got the logs from the android studio by package filter so most of which would be of Poweramp. and also included screen recording for better context.


Solution:- also the only solution that i found for this problem was to uninstall that Poweramp provider example plugin. after which I uninstalled that plugin, Poweramp doesn't seem to be crashing but rather only shows failed to play track message.


Edited by VaiMalaviya1233
added solution
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Thank you, since that's not related to missing resource, I am not sure where to start since to start internal Poweramp logging I need to open Poweramp and it is rather crashing on repeat, is there any other way to get logging to help with that issue to figure out what is causing it if so let me know? again Thank you so much. 😃 

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