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Random extreme loud spikes in volume

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When I listen to songs especially when using earphones my earphones disconnected and I reconnected I can hear very loud blast music but my volume is very low and not just about earphone disconnection when I change the song sometimes that will occur and it can very damage my ear 

Tweaks which are suggested in similar bug reports I have applied but that are not the solution

fix your app 

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1 hour ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

Tweaks which are suggested in similar bug reports I have applied but that are not the solution

What tweaks have you tried that were suggested elsewhere? This is an unusual condition that is likely local to your device or settings that have been changed.

What is your device and what OS is it currently running? And do these random spikes occur with one particular app or with every other audio player?

1 hour ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

fix your app

The current release version is very stable. I haven't experienced any issues with unexpected volume changes in Poweramp ever.

Edited by MotleyG
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Posted (edited)

@MotleyG I have tried to turn off DVC also lower 0 pre amp but nothing helps

Device redmi note 11


It happens with all the apps

App the current release is not stable to make an stable release you have to update to solve bugs and for newer software versions and it has not been updated very long time

You can check the bug reports search loud . literally many users have experienced this 

Edited by Anuj Ranjan
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2 hours ago, MotleyG said:

This is an unusual condition that is likely local to your device or settings that have been changed

No this is not an unusual condition that is local to my device or its settings just because you does not have experienced this not mean it doesn't exist. It happened with my device and Samsung users also reported this issue

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1 hour ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

to make an stable release you have to update to solve bugs and for newer software versions and it has not been updated very long time

Thanks for explaining how app updates work.

1 hour ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

literally many users have experienced this

A couple of users is not the same as many. So far this seems to be limited to an OS update by Samsung. 

1 hour ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

It happened with my device and Samsung users also reported this issue

The limited number of reports specific to Samsung suggests the issue is with the Samsung changes. I don't believe there have been any prior posts regarding issues for Redmi phones, which is why I would suggest checking and resetting any output options on your end first to rule those out.


Should every app developer cater to every poorly implemented Android every time a broken update is pushed out? With Poweramp having a single developer that would likely mean all time would be spent on fixes and no new features will ever get released.   


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, MotleyG said:

Thanks for explaining how app updates work.

Your Welcome


3 hours ago, MotleyG said:

A couple of users is not the same as many

You think all users who are using this app are on this forum many are not and even if small number of people are facing this problem you have fix this request

3 hours ago, MotleyG said:

Should every app developer cater to every poorly implemented Android every time a broken update is pushed out? With Poweramp having a single developer that would likely mean all time would be spent on fixes and no new features will ever get released

Yes. What is mean by single developer this not matter if team is behind any app or single dev you are not doing it for free and I am not forcing anybody I am just here reporting here bug

3 hours ago, MotleyG said:

With Poweramp having a single developer that would likely mean all time would be spent on fixes and no new features will ever get released.

He will do what he want and at what timeyou and i are not here to assume anything

Edited by andrewilley
Offensive language removed
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1 hour ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

What is mean by single developer this not matter if team is behind any app or single dev...

There is no development "team". As has already been stated, there is only a single person working on coding Poweramp and the EQ app, @maxmp .


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52 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

There is no development "team". As has already been stated, there is only a single person working on coding Poweramp and the EQ app, @maxmp .


Yes I know about single developer and but @MotleyG he was also had bad attitude and did not following asking about topic thats why i used such language sorry for my abusive language I will assure you will never do this again thank you

- Anuj Ranjan


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3 hours ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

he was also had bad attitude and did not following asking about topic

Hardly a bad attitude, I was simply providing you some guidance to try to correct this on your end. Apparently that wasn't enough for you.

If you feel your original demand to

12 hours ago, Anuj Ranjan said:

fix your app 

was just providing feedback to the developer, I don't feel that was constructive. 

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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, MotleyG said:

was just providing feedback to the developer, I don't feel that was constructive

Sorry for my abusive language Yes I was I had written entire paragraph about what i was facing and after you replied about know my device and software I also provided that details too

17 hours ago, MotleyG said:

Hardly a bad attitude, I was simply providing you some guidance to try to correct this on your end. Apparently that wasn't enough for you.

No you are not provided any guidance whatsover What I thought I expressed yes you have a bad attitude I had replied to all the things you said all your asked questions and i explained all said earlier and


On 8/7/2024 at 7:45 PM, MotleyG said:

With Poweramp having a single developer that would likely mean all time would be spent on fixes and no new features will ever get released.

also said don't assume anything.

But you don't get any of these sorry 

Edited by Anuj Ranjan
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