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Problem With Output Plugins

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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hello everyone!, i want to ask my problem with output plugins.

my default output plugins options for aux is opensl es then... i switch to hi-res, when i switch to hi-res options with same volume, hi-res look more lower sound than opensl.


USB DAC (only converter)

when i use usb dac, the default of output plugins is AudioTrack. same as before when i try to switch from AudioTrack to Hi-Res, hi-res look more lower sound than AudioTrack too.


so... this is a problem or normal? oh my device are supported with hi-res audio (aux) and my device is oppo a5 2020. thank you....


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  • Solution

It may be that DVC is not functioning with high-res in your case, which can happen with some phone ROMs. It can also be dependent on the USB DAC itself - they are very definitely not all made equal; the Chi-Fi CX31993 or CS46L41 based units run rings around most of the ones on Amazon in my vicinity (such as Samsung's own adapter, which is terrible).

In some cases, you may prefer to use AAudio or AudioTrack outputs (which do support higher sample rates and bit depths on more recent Android ROMs). For example on my Samsung galaxy A54, the Experimental High-Res mode does not work at all, but AAudio is fine at 192kHz/24-bit with a CX31993-based adapter.


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1 hour ago, DavidAstonish said:

my default output plugins options for aux is opensl es then... i switch to hi-res, when i switch to hi-res options with same volume, hi-res look more lower sound than opensl.

when i use usb dac, the default of output plugins is AudioTrack. same as before when i try to switch from AudioTrack to Hi-Res, hi-res look more lower sound than AudioTrack too.

In each individual output selection in the Audio menu, besides the option to select DVC on/off, there are also options where you can select to have No Headroom Gain, and No EQ/Tone. There is a separate Audio menu for Direct Volume Control (DVC) where you can adjust the amount of headroom gain when DVC is off. So especially in the case of DVC, having it on or off for any one of these modes could have impact from these other settings.

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