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Possible widgets improvements

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Hey max!

I am trying to get design consistency with samsung's dark more and seen could be possible improvements:

1. Add hex color field in the color picker

2. Seperate in text tab the "title and "others" to be able to apply for them different hues

3. In the buttons tap would appreciated if can have padding option between the buttons because i find myself sometimes pressing wrong ones by accident 


Thanks alot in advanced for your efforts!

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@Ibrahimbo101 Thanks for the request.
1. hex entry is possible, though for the theme/material u colors it won't make sense as these are dynamic.
2. tab to apply color for what elements exactly? We currently have background, text, and buttons/icon colors and there are no other elements to apply color to.
3. if all buttons/actions enabled, there may be not enough space, but if some are disabled, we can definitely have more or configurable padding there.

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5 hours ago, maxmp said:

@Ibrahimbo101 Thanks for the request.
1. hex entry is possible, though for the theme/material u colors it won't make sense as these are dynamic.
2. tab to apply color for what elements exactly? We currently have background, text, and buttons/icon colors and there are no other elements to apply color to.
3. if all buttons/actions enabled, there may be not enough space, but if some are disabled, we can definitely have more or configurable padding there.

Thanks for the reply!

Yup! for option 1 once using material u it doesn't make any sense,

I have all my widgets set to dark mode with 30% transparency so they not affected by material u


About 2 i have attatched screenshot in the text tab there is the title and other of artist info and meta i think have 2 seperate colors for them can be handy to add some contrast so can put darker color for artist name for example 

3 is yeah could be problematic once everything is enabled one of things i tried is to move the widget into lower part of screen so there is smaller travel distance for my fingers and more accuracy it's an improvement so far


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