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Random Albums on Android Auto


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I have been using Poweramp on my android phone for a while. One feature that attracted me to Poweramp was the ability to play a random album with the tracks in the correct order.

I now have a car with Android Auto.  However, I am unable to get the Random Album feature to work correctly.

If I go into Albums and press shuffle it shuffles the songs in the first album showing.  This is not what happens on my phone. If I go into albums on my phone and press shuffle it picks an album at random and then plays that album's songs in the correct order.

Do I need to configure Android Auto in someway to achieve this?



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@Geoff555 by default, Albums header shuffle does Shuffle Songs/Categories, but you probably changed that to Shuffle Categories ("Category Items Shuffle" option). Auto UI - Albums/Shuffle currently shuffle in Shuffle Songs mode, and you can further change that to shuffle categories (shuffle icon with two dots below), but I'll try to make Auto Shuffle also honor that "Category Items Shuffle" option for next Poweramp builds.


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@maxmp This would tie in rather nicely with the existing Feature Request to give the 'Shuffle' and 'Play' icons at the top of lists a few different functions (such as varying the default Shuffle mode, and allowing  Play to switch to Play One Category or Repeat One Category modes). The idea was to select the options by long-pressing on the icons (in the same way the '+Playlist' and '>>Queue' icons change modes). If that was implemented, Android Auto could pick up the same chosen Shuffle mode when selected.


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@maxmp I think the idea from the old requests was to provide extra (optional) modes of operation for the existing Play and Shuffle icons, not to add extra icons at the top of lists. So for example long-pressing on the 'Play' icon in the header area would show a set of choices (rather like the Player Screen's 'Repeat' button) for how playback should operate when the icon is tapped - just like the +Playlist and >>Queue buttons currently offer different modes via long-press. 


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