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Uma sugestão, teria como o Poweramp de alguma forma fazer a leitura dos nomes da faixas e automaticamente buscá-las no Spotify, logicamente, teria que estar ligado em ambas plataformas e elas se conversarem.


Playlist rock com música x

Power envia para Spotify e automaticamente já cria 

Playlist rock com música X

Ideia é doida mas acho legal 

Outra função que acharia legal, ter a opção de celular vibrar conforme a música, criar um.botao para mesma.


Google Translation:

One suggestion would be for Poweramp to somehow read the track names and automatically search for them on Spotify, logically, it would have to be connected to both platforms and they would talk to each other.


Playlist rock like music x

Power sends it to Spotify and automatically creates it 

Playlist rock like X music

Idea is crazy but I think it's cool 

Another function that I would think would be cool, having the option for the cell phone to vibrate according to the music, creating a button for it.

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The problem would be syncing Poweramp's idea of a playlist (which is simply a set of pointers to the names of audio files) and Spotify's which are based on its own server database. You might be able to set PA to translate and send track/artist/album info that had been scanned into its music database - but even if such an API existed in Spotify, how often would that process create a 100% match with a Spotify item? And going the other way would probably never work as you would first need to download the audio files to your local device for every song in the online Spotify playlist, and Spotify does not allow that to happen.

As to (2) ... why on earth would you want your phone to buzz in time with the music? How horrible would that be?!


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