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Coverflow implementation

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I have a suggestion, as a former owner of some iPods, I really liked the idea of having your album arts displayed in a coverflow form. It would be cool to have an option that when rotated in landscape, and activated in settings, the old iPod/iOS<6 Coverflow UI (perhaps more rounded) to appear.

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In the other thread is was discussed, but it would seem to be a lot of work for very little gain. What sort of practical use would coverflow be if you have more than a few dozen albums, as you can only see one full and two-halved covers at any given time.


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Eh, it was worth a try anyways.. There's no practical use, but like some other requests, it's a "feature" (if you can call it that) that's more for aesthetic purposes than functionality. Perhaps in a distant future when there wouldn't be any other major things to implement.

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