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Audio distortion

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I got a new phone a Galaxy S23 Ultra recently.   Sometimes the bass gets distorted on some devices.   I restored my Poweramp settings from the previous phone.   I can't remember what setting i changed years ago last time this happened.   I tried disabling DVC but then my speaker wasn't loud anymore to hear in the shower like before.   

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First, restoring existing settings from a previous device may have brought over some settings that were optimised for the previous firmware/hardware. Go into Settings=>Audio=>Output and Restore Defaults.

Second, make sure you are not pushing the Equalizer gain too high. If you are applying heavy bass boost, also reduce the overall preamp gain to compensate. Using the Limiter might help too, although in extreme circumstances you might hear intermittent volume dipping when it is forced to kick in.

ReplayGain is another useful tool to avoid over-saturation (i.e. levels getting pushed over digital 100%) and that will reduce the overall gain for all suitably tagged tracks to a common (adjustable) target level.


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On 4/16/2023 at 2:49 AM, andrewilley said:

First, restoring existing settings from a previous device may have brought over some settings that were optimised for the previous firmware/hardware. Go into Settings=>Audio=>Output and Restore Defaults.

Second, make sure you are not pushing the Equalizer gain too high. If you are applying heavy bass boost, also reduce the overall preamp gain to compensate. Using the Limiter might help too, although in extreme circumstances you might hear intermittent volume dipping when it is forced to kick in.

ReplayGain is another useful tool to avoid over-saturation (i.e. levels getting pushed over digital 100%) and that will reduce the overall gain for all suitably tagged tracks to a common (adjustable) target level.


so far i think turning the bass knob or sliders down a bit helped.   I'm just confused what are the proper sound settings for Poweramp.    I think you told me a few years ago to change a certain setting to get rid of the distortion.   I couldn't find that thread in the search.  But i know others talked about it too a few years ago.   Maybe it was in the Support subforum that isn't here anymore.  I am wondering where the Support subforum is.     I don't use ReplayGain because I use MP3Gain.   Been using that since i first came across it in 2003 or 04.  

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