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How bout just a simple...


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I do hit home but more often than not, it still displays in the top notification menu bar. Sometimes I have to reset the whole phone. And I would like to say thank you for even responding. I have seen a lot of app devs just not give a rat butt.


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Poweramp shows notification icon when it plays something or when it scans something. As soon as these activities are finished, Poweramp will unload its components.

There is no one application thingie on Android, at least for apps like Poweramp, there are separate components (e.g. GUI, player service, scanning service, headset listening stuff, widget service etc) which are loaded and unloaded by OS as needed, thus exit button makes no sense.

Note that if Poweramp was playing something and then killed (by task manager or by, for example, unmounting sd card, this effectively kills everything accessing sd card), status icon will remain as there will be no component to hide it. Next Poweramp resume/pause will clean it.


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