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Won't recognize or access SD card music on One Plus Nord or Sanmsung

Darwin Ottolini

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I have been using this app for years.   Never had a problem through 4 phones.   Have now switched from LG to Samsung and One Plus.  Cannot use app on either phone.   Msg upon opening app:  "Doesn't look like anything to me"  Attempting scan gives same msg.  If I dismount and remount SD card I can scan 35 songs of the 27K+ on the SD card.  PA tells me there is nothing else on the disk.  The phones recogioze that there are 127GB of files on the SD.  Then I get "Can't use this folder.  To protect your privacy choose new folder"

If I move the disk to the old phones, PA reads and scans all the files and plays them.   Very frustrating.

Version buil 945 bundle play, updated 10/15/22

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Welcome to Androids SAF file management and protection, where Google gets to tell you what files you can access on your phone.🙄

First, make sure your music files are located at least one folder deep on the card, something like /Music/... and if you want this can be nested into more precise areas like Artist/Album/Song etc.

Since you are updating from an older device, you may have carried over your settings from a past Poweramp setup. You probably have to go into the settings for the library and delete all of the folders that are already there. Then restart Poweramp and point it at this main SD card/Music folder. Android should then ask for permission to do this, and accept that. Poweramp should then be able to have access to that folder and all of your music files. It will need to rescan your library and rebuild the database.

Again, thank Google for this mess they have made.

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Please also see the FAQ on choosing which Music Folders you wish for Poweramp to scan for music. As @MotleyG said, it's easiest to simply create one master folder to contain everything, then all you need to do is grant permission to that one folder (and thus all subfolders). On recent versions of Android, using Storage Access Framework (as opposed to Legacy File Access Mode) you cannot enable global access at the root level of storage, you must select a folder (or folders) instead.

Once done, sit back and allow a few minutes for PA to crawl the directory and scan the audio files.


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