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Galaxy S22u- video stops music playing ~~~ ?

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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I previously posted this on the Samsung S22 forum but I was unable to find an answer there. I thought maybe the setting might be in Poweramp

I recently upgraded from a Note8 to a S22u. On the Note8, if I was playing music using Poweramp and started recording a video the video would include the music that was playing but now it does not on the S22u. Im not sure if this setting would be in the Camera app or in Poweramp. Is there anyone with a S22u that IS able to play music while recording a video and have the music included on the video? Maybe it is just some setting in Poweramp I am missing? Thanks in advance for any advice.....

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By design, music playback should pause on any temporary/short audio focus change (notifications, navigation messages, etc) or permanent audio focus change (another app takes control of the audio system, such as another media player starts playing for example). That would include video recording commencing, during which most users would not want whatever music they happened to be listening to previously to continue playing and interfere with the background of their video.

You can disable one or both of those features in PA Settings => Audio => Audio Focus, assuming the Video Recorder app does not force it itself. Any sound that is still coming out of your phone's speaker when you start a video recording ought to be picked up by the microphone, although it will sound pretty tinny of course.


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Hi Andrew..... Thanks for the reply and your previous help.

I went to the PA Settings => Audio => Audio Focus, but I am not sure I understand what I need to change/disable there ......  the Duck Volume option is disabled but I dont understand what it means when it says " This option can be overridden by Audio output settings" . In Audio Output I see several settings but I dont know what to change/disable. Is it Audio Track Output, AAudio Output(each with even more options)..... just too many options that I dont really understand what they do because I am old and easily confused. Also, I cant find a focus setting in the S22u's Camera App but I may have missed it (no help from S22 forum)

FYI- there is no existing background audio(i.e.- folks talking) on what I am recording and I just wanted to include some Lynyrd Skynyrd while watching my dog in the backyard. Actually the sound has been pretty darn good when using the Note8 taking video with PA playing..... although definitely not audiophile.

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You can probably get away with only switching off the Permanent Audio Focus Change control, and leave the Short Audio Focus Change enabled. That way notification sounds and navigation messages will still be handled correctly, but PA will continue to play when another app (such as the Video Recorder) requests control. Give it a try and see which works best for you anyway.

Sorry about your condition, hoping it is not too debilitating for you. And Hi to your dog. :)


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Thanks Andre

Actually the only way I am able to get the video w/audio is with the 'Permanent' on and the 'Short' off ..... 

What adverse effect could this setting have, if any, and would it only be when I am using PA while recording video?

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8 minutes ago, Chasoscar said:

Actually the only way I am able to get the video w/audio is with the 'Permanent' on and the 'Short' off ..... 

Weird, could be Android version related I guess (I was testing on Samsung Android 11, you are probably on Android 12).

The only downside is that playback might not be stopped during certain other events, such as message notification tones, verbal navigation prompts, etc. 


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Yes 12. And I am not too worried about missing any notifications, etc.

Recording video w/PA playing is not something I plan to do very often but Im guessing this "permanent on" setting might also affect notifications when using PA even when not recording video....

Im glad my dog is still young enough to teach "new tricks", too bad that's not the case for me.

Thanks Andre for your help.

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