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Poweramp playlist bug how fix it?


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Android : ONE UI 4.0

Version : 12

App version : build-925


I tried all methods, including a full rediscovery, and I uninstalled the app, installed it, and reloaded it.  It still doesn't show up properly and I've set the music folder selection correctly. It is displayed in the list as a file name, not as a tag including music album art.  How can I recover?


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Do those specific song filenames exist in your scanned music library, and they must be stored inside the same containing folder name referenced in the Playlist file? (You can load MU3 playlist files into any text editor to check them).

I assume you have tried a FULL Rescan (in Settings > Library).


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3 minutes ago, 캔디린 said:

@andrewilley If I delete the .M3U8 file afterward, is there any problem with the playlist?

The M3U8 file IS the playlist, delete it and you remove the playlist. However text files are insignificantly tiny compared to audio files, they don't take up any meaningful space.

Yes, put the M3U8 file into the same folder as its associated audio files, then do a FULL Rescan - or do a 'Rescan/Resolve Playlists' in the Library > Playlists context menu.


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@andrewilley However, if you have created a playlist with music in multiple folders, how do you reload the list?  I put the M3U8 file in the topmost folder, but it is not recognized properly.


And as you can see in the picture, when you put music in multiple paths into one playlist, it cannot be recognized properly as before.  How do I solve this?


And how to remove M3U8 extension from playlist name?



Edited by 캔디린
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Have a look at the folder details contained in your .M3U8 files and check that the containing folder names match with the new paths on your device's storage.

A bit of background: a playlist can be in two formats, relative or absolute.

Absolute means the path information for each song file starts from the root of the entire storage (such as something like "C:\Users\<name>\Music\etc\etc\" on a Windows PC) but that technically ties the links down to that specific PC and user account, so the format is not very portable. And it certainly breaks as soon as you copy it to a Mac, Android, Linux, etc device. 

Relative means that any path information contained within the file is based from the current location - i.e. from the folder where the M3U8 file itself is stored. The song file links may point to files in that same location, or possibly to ones in subfolders layered down from there by quoting the nested path details. (You can even use path modifiers like "/../" to crawl back up the directory hierarchy, but then it gets complicated!).

Poweramp tries to avoid the problems of absolute paths by firstly ignoring the different types of path separator - so "/" (Android/Unix) and "\" (Windows) are handled interchangeably. It also ignores all root path information as that could break playlists copied between different platforms. Instead it looks in the current folder in cases where there is no provided folder content (as per your first example) or it looks through its entire scanned music Library for a matching combination of the exact audio filename and the first level of containing folder.

So if your music is in multiple folders, they must be the same individual containing folders that were used when you created the Playlist, otherwise Poweramp couldn't differentiate between, for example, two tracks called Opening Titles by John Williams in the locations /Star Wars Soundtrack/Main Titles - John Williams.mp3 and /Superman the Movie/Main Titles - John Williams.mp3.


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That playlist contains no path info as far as I can see (no folder names, just filenames) so PA will expect all of those audio files to be located in the same folder as the M3U8 file, not inside any separate subfolders. That is presumably how the files were organised when the playlist was created.


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If the M3U8 files were originally saved one per subfolder on your old device, and given that they use relative paths (in fact the provide no folder information at all in the examples you've provided) then that's how you will need to restore them on your new device.

If the paths containing in the M3U8 files are absolute, Poweramp will be able to deduce the original folder structure by scanning for each filename and its containing foldername.

How did you create the M3U8 files - and where were they originally located?


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@andrewilley @andrewilley @캔디린 I think I've found a way!  After extracting the playlist by exporting the file-based playlist, I opened the file.


The path to the music file is displayed.  If you make the same modifications including the path of the music name here, you can restore it by pressing Open on the power amp without putting them in each folder one by one, and M3U8 is not included in the name in the playlist!


But if the new device and path change, do I have to open the file inside and edit the path one by one?  Is there any way to sync them all at once?

1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

Have a look at the folder details contained in your .M3U8 files and check that the containing folder names match with the new paths on your device's storag


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That full playlist contains all the necessary path info - with folder names; even if I can't read them, I can see there are "/" characters in there. So it should work fine, and automatically identify the linked music files as long as the files are stored within the same folder names on your new device. You don't need to put that type of playlist file inside any particular subfolder; as long as it is somewhere in your Music Folders area PA will use the folder names and filenames to identify the music files.

You also don't need to edit those M3U8 files to correct the rest of the root path details, PA only needs to know the filename and the immediately preceding folder name (just one level). The rest of the path details are ignored.

If you later move your music into a different set of subfolders though, that will break playlists. For example, if you have a song file called Dancing Queen.mp3 currently in a folder called Arrival, and you later move it into a folder called ABBA Gold, then any playlists that are still looking in the folder Arrival won't be able to find the song any more.


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@andrewilley @andrewilley  Are you saying that if the folder path and file name are modified or changed later, the playlist cannot be loaded properly?  If so, shouldn't it be necessary to open the M3U8 file and edit the paths one by one?


For example, when there is a path called storage/emulated/0/SdCardBackUp/music/TAEYEON_11_11_aac320k.m4a, it seems to be saying that you can only have up to /music/TAEYEON_11_11_aac320k.m4a. Shouldn't it be given?

Edited by 캔디린
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@andrewilley There doesn't seem to be an option to automatically sync from a specified music folder without manually resetting the path.  If there are multiple folders or the storage has been changed or renamed, you need to open the file and edit the path, create a new playlist to add the file, or put all the files one by one with the playlist name to be applied to the folder containing the music.  If there are dozens or hundreds of folders or dozens or hundreds of songs in a playlist, it is too inconvenient to edit the paths one by one.  Why isn't there an option to automatically sync playlists when the music scan folder is correctly specified and the songs have the same name?

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@andrewilley I would like to know the option to automatically synchronize the playlist by retrieving the file name specified in Specify Music Folder regardless of the file path of the playlist.  Currently, the saved path varies depending on the device or folder name. In this case, open the file again and modify the path, put it in all music folders, or even if multiple music folders are made into one playlist, even if you put the file with the playlist name in one folder The music in the was not recognized properly.  You need to create a playlist again.  What makes the Poweramp playlist backup/restore option so inconvenient?


The file name is the same, only the path has been changed, and it was specified in the music folder designation, but the playlist does not recognize it properly, so they are still talking about the same thing.

 The biggest worry is that if the device is changed, the path is changed, the folder name is changed, or the music file name is changed later, the tag information inside does not change and only the music title changes, but if it is not recognized properly, it will cause a big trouble and the application will be refunded. there is no choice but to


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It doesn't make sense to me that the playlist backup/restore option is dead just because the device changes and the folder names and paths change.

 If the problem occurs in the beta version, we will delete the beta version.  However, in this case, the application must be reinstalled and the playlist still cannot be loaded properly.

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Playlists and playlist backups works just as expected in Poweramp.

A .m3u8 is just a list of filenames including path, telling the music player where it can find the music files. Poweramp does a good job at importing playlists as long as you have the same directory structure within your music folder.

I don't really understand what problem you are facing.

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2 hours ago, 캔디린 said:


It doesn't make sense to me that the playlist backup/restore option is dead just because the device changes and the folder names and paths change.

 If the problem occurs in the beta version, we will delete the beta version.  However, in this case, the application must be reinstalled and the playlist still cannot be loaded properly.

First, this has nothing to do with beta versions or otherwise, playlist management is a core feature of the app and has been for a while. Is has been improved recently to allow relative playlists to be written back to storage a relative rather than only absolute, but the reading finding/resolving music files process has been the same for a long time. Playlists have nothing to do with songs titles, artist, music genres, embedded tags, or anything else - they are simply pointers to FILENAME LOCATIONS. Nothing more than that.

As I keep saying, Poweramp does not work like some other programs which require the full root-based path to be exactly the same at the full details quoted in the playlist, which is technically what should happen. This is to allow for the differences that naturally occur between the root paths on different devices and different operating systems. Android would not be able to find a song mentioned in a playlist copied from a PC with an entry like C:\Users\Andre\Music\Movies\Star Wars\Main Titles.mp3 because that is a Windows local computer path. Similarly your own saved copy of a similar song file might be listed as /storage/emulated/0/SdCardBackup/Star Wars/Main Titles.mp3 , and on my own Android device (Samsung) it might be /storage/5ADE-1356/Music Folders/Movies/Star Wars/Main Titles.mp3 . All of these paths are correct, but they are specific to the devices that created them and thus cannot be used "as provided" on any other devices. Absolute paths are NOT interchangeable between devices, and never can be.

So what can be done to try to find a file location that is referred to as C:\ Users\ on a device that uses /storage/emulated/0/SdCard/Backup/ instead? What Poweramp does is to try to intelligently resolve the above mess of unintelligible path information and look instead for the filename - Main Titles.mp3 - and its first-level containing folder, Star Wars. Obviously the filename on its own is probably not sufficient for a perfect match - I could have a dozen tracks entitled "Main Titles" from various different films. But when the containing folder "Star Wars" is matched too, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be the correct file (admittedly still not 100% guaranteed, but close enough to cover almost all common situations).

So at the risk of repeating myself, as long as your song filenames are exactly the same across your different devices, and the first level folder names that contain those files match too, playlists can be resolved across different devices.

But if you decide to re-organise your music and put your files in different containers - for example if I moved my Main Titles.mp3 file from its current Star Wars folder to a new John Williams Soundtracks folder, or worse if I renamed the file itself to Opening Titles.mp3 - there would be way for a playlist to ever find it again, and you would need to manually re-create that now-broken line in the Playlist (or put the file back as it was).

So make sure that your whole music collection is organised using the same filenames and same overall folder structure on your new device as it was on the one one - regardless of the top level root details, they are ignored - and playlists will work. Do a Full Rescan after you've done this to match everything back up again and Resolve the playlist contents to the corrected locations.

But if you decide to change the filenames or folder names, any M3U-style playlists WILL break - and I'm afraid there's not much any program on any system can do about that. You would need to correct the resulting broken links by hand (and editor with global search-and-replace would be easiest for big changes).





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  • 2 months later...

I have a playlist backup issue I don't quite understand. All my playlist appear but have no album art. All the tracks are listed and also have no art. All the tracks still play but I can't edit tags, add art or rate them. If I try to move them to another list they vanish!?! Any ideas? 

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/31/2022 at 9:45 PM, andrewilley said:

So at the risk of repeating myself, as long as your song filenames are exactly the same across your different devices, and the first level folder names that contain those files match too, playlists can be resolved across different devices.

Do you know if there's a way to change how many folder levels Poweramp will match? I've got an issue where two songs have the same track name and album name, but are different artists (and naturally, Poweramp chose the wrong one for the playlist). If Poweramp could be configured to match, say, two folders deep, that would solve the issue.



..\Music\Gabry Ponte\Thunder\1-01 - Thunder.flac

Music Folder:

Music\Imagine Dragons\Thunder\1-01 - Thunder.flac
Music\Gabry Ponte\Thunder\1-01 - Thunder.flac



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