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Hide file format?


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Hi all,


Is there a way somehow to hide the file format extension behind a song name? Like seeing "Have a great weekend" instead of "Have a great weekend.mp3"? Or would this be skin functionality instead?





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Sounds like you have got Settings > Library > Lists > 'Filename as Title' enabled. If you turn that off, then as long as your music files have proper Title tags embedded within them, those tags will be used in lists and on the player screen. If any files are not correctly tagged, Poweramp will still need to use the filename though.


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I had

10 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Sounds like you have got Settings > Library > Lists > 'Filename as Title' enabled. If you turn that off, then as long as your music files have valid Title tags embedded within them, those tags will be used. If any files are not correctly tagged, Poweramp will still use the filename though.


I had tried that one but that way the track number also disappears. In my tagging the track number is not part of the song title so that was/is puzzling me. Do you know any other way to hide the format without throwing out the track numbering at the same time?


Also, but not related at all, since you seem to have used the app before 😉 do you know if there's a way to automatically create an export of the settings, like when closing the app or so? I do it manually now but since I'm experimenting so much I wouldn't mind an automatic function - should it exist.



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Track numbers are not part of Title tags, but you can prefix them in lists and on the player screen using Settings > Library > Lists > Show Track Number. There are several options, including just putting the number before the Title words.

Settings are retained when you exit the app anyway, but creating a separate backup file copy is a manual process.


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