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Problemas com estalos muito frequentes nas saidas de áudio OpenSL ES e AudioTrack

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Em duas saidas de audio para fone de ouvido OpenSL ES e Áudio Track ocorre um estalo que é frequente quando eu fico um tempo sem alterar o volume nos botões físico mesmo com o DVC desligado Pois com o Mesmo ligado Ocorre sempre o mesmo estalo frequentemente.O que fazer para solucionar este problema???

Versão do Android:10

Smartphone:LG K12 Prime(LM-X525BAW)

Compilação Poweramp: Build-905-arm32-play

Have you tried AAudio or Hi-Res outputs, do they do the same? Have you tried increasing the buffer size?

Does this occur when the screen is on and PA is the current app, or only when the device screen is asleep?

Also, in case your Android firmware has been updated or old settings applied, it might be worth use the Restore Defaults feature in Settings > Audio > Output and Settings > Audio > Advanced Tweaks.


@andrewilley em relação a Saida AAudio não ocorre nenhum tipo de estalo somente na OpenSL ES e Audio Track.Eu já tentei aumentar o buffer e continua a ocorrer os estalos. O meu celular também vem com um Equalizador e efeitos instalados de fábrica,isso também pode ser a causa dos estalos?????

Excellent, then just use AAudio output to solve your problem.

You didn't say whether the cracking occurs when the screen is ON and PA is the current app, or only when the device screen is asleep?


@alexsanderfonseca That's very odd, I would have expected the reverse. With the screen off, some devices reduce the processing power available to apps that are still running in the background. But with the screen on, and PA in the foreground, that should not be happening. Anyway, at least AAudio Output solves your problem in the meantime.


27 minutes ago, alexsanderfonseca said:

Maybe there will be some kind of correction regarding these crackles????

Maybe, but in the meantime I assume you are using AAudio Output and have no further problems?



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