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Disable Autofill Tags

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As the title says, I hope you can implement the feature to toggle automatic tags fills. It's annoying that the album art will reset and follow the tags instead of filenames. The tags are also incorrect or partially incorrect around 40% of the time. Especially when it comes to remixes, old songs or less known songs. 

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PA doesn't autofill any tags, the contents need to be present before Poweramp scans the music. If present, text tags are assumed to be correct - why would they be there otherwise, they must have been inserted by someone - and are used to populate the Title, Artist, Albums etc listings for each song. Those items are also used to search online for cover artwork, assuming there is no image already embedded in the file.

If no tags are present PA can (optionally, see Settings > Album Art) fall back to using the filename to search for cover art, although it is probably less accurate as naming conventions can vary wildly and accurate matches are often less likely.


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3 hours ago, DarkLight said:

As the title says, I hope you can implement the feature to toggle automatic tags fills. It's annoying that the album art will reset and follow the tags instead of filenames. The tags are also incorrect or partially incorrect around 40% of the time. Especially when it comes to remixes, old songs or less known songs. 

The tags should be the gospel for your music in my opinion. Far more reliable than the filenames.

But if this is the case with your library, can I suggest a quick fix with a decent tag editor? Most can take details even from your filenames, and update the tags accordingly. I can recommend mp3tag, but there are plenty of others as well.

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