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Poweramp on Android Hu (car's headunit)

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I installed the Poweramp in my car (Androd Hu, car's headunit), and when I'm listening to a song and I turn off the car and I'll call again, the player does not come back to the music that was and tb when I reopen the app he says he was interrupted unexpectedly Some power saving app. I wanted to know if Poweramp is an app that can be installed on Android Hu and when you turn off the car and when you reconnect, it will re-play the same song that was before.


Anderson Dorneles

From Brazil

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@maxmp Hello, thank you for the answer. I read the entire topic and really affirm, these Chinese Hu (Android Hu Made in China) does not have a reliable and mature ON / OFF process. I am also a programmer and realize that they seem to have used an ordinary smartphone system modified a few things and installed in Hu. In any case I'll test all the possibilities I've seen in the topic and put here the results. But if it does not work it will be a shame, because I really liked the app and was willing to buy a license. Thanks

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@andrewilley @maxmp

I did a factory reset on my HU (radio car) and reinstalled Poweramp, and the problem persists. I took some pictures and did a step by step explaining the problem. It's a shame it doesn't work, I created a launcher based on Guardians of the Galaxy and the Poweramp widget would look great on the main screen.

Attached images https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajl3C4Ol4nbthZUfPldbP5_gggWQUQ?e=GZSirZ

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@andrewilley @maxmp


Making new tests and more tests in the App I discovered the problem, basically this is it: It does not end when turning off the car (Android HU), the whole problem is that when turning the car back on, after the launcher is already ON, the Poweramp takes exactly 30 seconds to reopen, it even reopens on the last song I was listening to just paused. If the APP started together with the launcher (I'm using Nova Launcher https://novalauncher.com/) and playing the last song, it was great for me. But you can't wait that long to start listening to the music.


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@andrewilley @maxmp

I continued doing some tests and found out a few more things about the APP problem.
1 - The 30 seconds until the App loads on the launcher seem to be linked to this configuration menu: Configuration> Miscellaneous> Network flow timeout = 30 seconds. And these are the exact 30 seconds he has to delay until he is ready to play music. I already switched to 1 second and did not change anything in the problem.

2 - Appearing the APP every time the HU is turned off and on again with the APP running, when turning it back on it scans the folders contained on the flash drive, and I imagine that this is not correct, it should do this only once and this contributes to the slowness in reopening the APP.

3 - The APP apparently also scans the web before calling, and how did I reach that conclusion? because I have a weather widget and it works to search the internet before showing me the data and coincidentally, as soon as it gets the data in the cloud, Poweramp opens next to this app, it is as if the two were waiting for data from the web to work.

Anyway, it seems that it is a matter of configuration, enabling some items and disabling others, the fact is that in the standard installation the APP does not work on my HU (Android Car.)

Since already thank you

Anderson Dorneles

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