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Artist cover


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In my library, in the artist's directory, there is a file called folder.jpg (it looks like the name doesn't matter), which is responsible for the artist's image. However, unfortunately, Poweramp for some reason does not know how to automatically select these covers, and takes one of the album covers as the artist's image.
The gist of the proposal: why doesn't Poweramp select the artist file from the artist directory automatically?

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folder.jpg is not responsible for artist images, but for folder images. PA cannot know whether a particular folder is an artist's name, an album name, or indeed some other grouping such as genre or decade.

Artist images are downloaded online, based on the Artist name, or you can manually force them using the three-dots menu in any Artist view and select 'Image' and Pick from Gallery. The resulting images are cached locally in Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/artist_art (and also the selected_artist folder for manual selections) which you could add your own image files to if you wish.


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