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Itunes playcount


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Nope, sorry. PA maintains an internal database playback count, but that does not sync with anything else at all - not even the POPM or PCNT tags in the MP3 file. 

There is a third-party app called New Playlist Manager that allows Poweramp's star ratings and playback-counts to be saved into the POPM tag within audio files, and to later read those tags back into PA's database (effectively offering a ratings & counts backup feature). If your iTunes files use the POPM tag for saving their play counts, you could re-import into PA that way.

@flyingdutchman does NPM read/write the older PCNT tag too, as that's another way to specify overall playback counts for a file, rather than the technically (if implemented) user-specific count in POPM.


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@andrewilley, no it does not. The whole writing to mp3 tags is probably up the spout with all the security restrictions under android 10. I use jid3 and jaudiotagger libraries which are quite old and have not seen any development for years so unless those developers or someone else updates them, it is the end of the road for updating popm tags.

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On 8/2/2020 at 5:08 PM, flyingdutchman said:

The whole writing to mp3 tags is probably up the spout with all the security restrictions under android 10. 

From a user point of view, I'm getting sick and tired of Google messing with SD Card (and other storage) access permissions. It's my flaming phone and card, programs on my own phone should be able to access my own data folders in full. Google is starting to go down the nanny supervision route of iPhones, which was one of the main reasons I went down the Android route in the first place. Think of the outcry if Windows suddenly decided you could no longer access the data on your second D: hard drive.


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@andrewilley, I fully agree. google is trying hard to eliminate the external sdcard, I believe this is their long term (covert) strategy. The poor implementation of SAF is also a disaster imho, for instance _DATA was deprecated in 10 (where the full path is held) but in Android 11 it is discussed again. I am still unable to add playlist entires to playlists in android (so is the rest of the world would you believe). They are forcing all apps to target api29 or higher by the end of the year. I think a lot of apps will dissappear.(unliess they change their mind of course) It feels a bit like bullying.


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