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best way to listen to 24 bit 192khz file

Martin Medrano

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Go to PA Settings > Audio > Output and select the High-Res option (if supported). Enable whichever output device(s) that you are planning to listen to from the list (normally that would Wired Headset/AUX unless you have extra dedicated hardware). Tap on the cogwheel icon next to the on/off switch to go into settings and adjust the output sample rate and any other settings as desired.


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Stereo expand is like setting such as Reverb, in that they process the audio to make it sound different (wider and larger soundstage, more echo etc). You may prefer the acoustic effect, or you may prefer more accurate, but flatter, reproduction. To be honest, if you want to like to special high-resolution recordings, I would normally suggest keeping the audio processing path as clean as possible.


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