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Will PowerAmp 2.0+ support Ice Cream Sandwich when it comes out?


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At least Android 4.0 ICS supports 'hardware acceleration'


While the folks at Google didn’t make a big deal over this in their announcement and in the platform highlights page, they have indeed added hardware acceleration in Android 4.0. Developers don’t have to do much at all to take advantage – simply make your minSdkVersion or targetSdkVersion values to “14″ and your application is automatically taking advantage of the GPU inside.
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for those curious I am using the ICS port which is a combo of build 13 and 14.

I have been testing ICS from beta 6 port all the way to more recently Beta 9 and 2.0 has been stable with a FEW small FC's of which I would gladly help the developer understand if he wants to message me privately or email me at yanohayon@gmail.com

overall though it runs GREAT!

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