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Really awful


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Greetings to all.

It's just my opinion, but overall the new Poweramp is terrible. Really terrible. I own paid versions and am not satisfied (like so many other users). The new version is awfully cluttered, the settings are not working, or it resets on the next reboot ... But the sound is very good. For this, developers deserve 5 *. But the user interface is terrible, terrible.

I also bought several paid Poweramp skins that disappeared. Why? You have my money, I paid and I don't have what I paid for.

Developers might think. If out of 50% of the reviews I read them are negative. Mostly bad user interface. If it was better to do something about it. Developers ignore a large number of users who have paid and all they offer is an older version. But who no longer has support.

Please try to do something about it.

For me, Poweramp was number one.

Unfortunately it is not.

Thank you very much.


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If you want to return to the version you paid for (v2) you are of course welcome to do so, it's in the Downloads tab at the top of the page. Any skins that you purchased for v2 should work fine with that download too. If you want to skin Poweramp v3 (as it features a completely new interface) then you will need to buy a skin designed for v3.

Now, with the above out of the way (and assuming you want to continue with v3) you said that the settings were not working for you, and that they reset on the next reboot? Could you elaborate, as without any actual information at all to go on - apart from a personal opinion "the new Poweramp is terrible. Really terrible", and not so much as even a device model or ROM version mentioned - it's going to hard to provide you with any sort of help. 


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How "to the version you paid" ???

Are you kidding me?

That means I didn't pay V3 or what?

I sent my money, I'd like to use the latest versions.

I paid you and you tell me that I can use one year old version?

This isn't all right.


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I have the ability to send bugs to developers in my settings, but my installation problem that resets the next time it was run was not resolved. The problem is about 1 month.

My paid skins I bought are not available on Google Play. Where did they go?

Thank you and sorry for the indignation

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6 hours ago, HwRBtS said:

How "to the version you paid" ???

That means I didn't pay V3 or what?

I sent my money, I'd like to use the latest versions.

You yourself said you have been using PA since v2, so that is presumably when you paid for it. However you have noted that you do not like the changes in the newest version (v3), so as I said, you are welcome to continue to use the version you originally purchased for as long as you like. There is no extra charge for v3, and of course you are welcome to use the latest versions like everyone else - but you are the one who said you prefer v2. Feel free to use either, it's your choice.

If you want to use your old v2 skins, they too will continue to work in v2 for as long as you want. However due to the new completely rebuilt interface in v3, the old v2 format skins cannot be used in the new versions of PA. You would need to contact the third-party developers who wrote the skins and ask if they plan to write PA v3 compatible versions. It's like getting a DVD player to replace an old VCR machine and then wondering why your old VHS tapes won't fit in it.

You have still not given any details of what you think is not working properly in v3, any of your system details, nor what it is about v3 that you don't like, so there is really nothing else that can be done to help you until you can provide more specific information. (It may turn out some of the things you are having problems with are easily solvable) 


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