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Hey, I've been choosing to stay with version 2 because I wanted the skins onscreen and I previously couldn't figure out how some people were able to get them on there until I figured out that some are actually "widget skins" specifically, so being widgets they are able to be placed onscreen. The thing is I tried to buy quite a few of them and most wouldn't work and I'd have to return them after first sending the dev an email about it and repeatedly being told that since they were trying to work on skins and widgets for version 3 there would keep being issues with the ones for 2. So far though? I'm just not seeing any cool widgets pop up in the Playstore at all yet and have read through some of the comments in the section here dedicated to version 3, and you guys don't seem to be having much luck with this problem either. Sure, some devs have come up with new skins, but they sound ultra boring to me and there are no mentions of any widgets being made. I can't use version 2 forever so, my question is, does ANYONE know how much longer it will take for most of the popular devs to fix this problem?? It's already been so long and I feel like a lot don't care. 


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It's up to third-party devs whether they continue to put any work into v2 skins. However as v2 is now a legacy product which is theoretically only now being used by KitKat and older devices, I would not expect a massive amount of effort from them other than bug fixes relating to those older ROMs. You never know though.


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