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I've got the latest version of PA V3 and the unlocker on an Android PX5 head unit (Chinese) running 8.0 (Oreo).  The screen resolution isn't enormous at 1024x600, so my question is this:


I can slip Poweramp into a split screen window, but it doesn't scale to keep the controls visible. Part of the player is visible, the rest is cutoff. Dragging left or right, like an attempt to scroll, just changes the song of course. Is there a minimum window size that it won't scale down below and so just isn't ever going to be displayed right in 500 px? Or am I missing a setting?

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20 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Poweramp generally does not play well in split-screen mode, the interface is not optimised with that functionality in mind.


Understood. It's too bad that it's not a little more flexible in the layout to accommodate the variety of displays that it can potentially run on with Android, including the horizontal split screens. Perhaps someone skinned a version that does responsive layouts. I'll have to investigate further. 

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