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search within a list or folder


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Hello, my question is because the app was updated to a newer version, so it has changed a lot. Before there was a search option within the folders or lists, so only the songs that matched the search in that folder, and the same list would continue playing and not all the songs (if the random option is not enabled).

Now I do not see that option, can it be activated again in the configuration menu?


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One of my most used features of pre-3.0 Poweramp was the list 'filter' function. I have very large playlists of many different artists and albums, some of these go into the thousands of songs.

I liked to 'search' for a particular song in a list, and then have it shuffle through everything else. I could then dj my own listening experience by searching for another song within the playlist and then putting it in the queue, but when rhe queue ends, Im still in my list.

I'd like a way to restrict the global search to my current list, or some kind of in-list search.

Another minor issue things brings up: One of my playlists lost about 50 songs in the update, no idea what happened (maybe a cue file got moved), but there's no way to find what I have or don' have in my playlist without manually scrolling through my massive list. Not a big deal, but an ability to search through a playlist would help me fix this.

Fantastic update btw, I love the abilty to tweak the output settings.

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This was something that was available in v2. I could search for every song with a certain keyword in the search tab and when I first chose a song it asked me if I wanted to "play all" or "play filtered" (play only through the songs that were found using the search function). I can't seem to find this feature in v3 as it just plays through all my songs and not only the ones that I searched for, even if I choose the "Shuffle songs" mode.

So for example if I search for "cat" in the search tab, I would want to be able to play through all the songs that have the word "cat" in them, directly from the search tab and without first needing to put them in my queue (something that was possible in v2).

Thanks a lot for your help !

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I liked to 'search' for a particular song in a list, and then have it shuffle through everything else. I could then dj my own listening experience by searching for another song within the playlist and then putting it in the queue, but when the queue ends, Im still in my list.

I'm used to doing exactly that, I also use fairly large playlists, usually in the range of 1200~2000 songs. The ability to search within a playlist was a godsend and don't know whether it was removed or I couldn't find it. I am pretty happy about the improvements of V3 but for that aspect only I'll probably go back to V2. For one missing functionality...


PS: Same as OP I lost 51 songs in a playlist, no idea which ones.

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17 hours ago, Megaooga said:

Yea, the readily available search is amazing, thank you. But I'd like the ability to rescrict the search to my current category, as the new list view is very unwieldy for lists with thousands of songs.



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On 12/17/2018 at 9:30 AM, Megaooga said:

Yea, the readily available search is amazing, thank you. But I'd like the ability to rescrict the search to my current category, as the new list view is very unwieldy for lists with thousands of songs.

+1 please, add that feature! It's very useful 

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On 12/17/2018 at 9:56 PM, Madikan said:


This was something that was available in v2. I could search for every song with a certain keyword in the search tab and when I first chose a song it asked me if I wanted to "play all" or "play filtered" (play only through the songs that were found using the search function). I can't seem to find this feature in v3 as it just plays through all my songs and not only the ones that I searched for, even if I choose the "Shuffle songs" mode.

So for example if I search for "cat" in the search tab, I would want to be able to play through all the songs that have the word "cat" in them, directly from the search tab and without first needing to put them in my queue (something that was possible in v2).

Thanks a lot for your help !


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