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PowerAMP currently supports lyrics from ID3 tags and embed mp4/m4a lyrics.

PowerAMP v.1.3 has special open API for other lyrics searching apps to integrate into PowerAMP and show found lyrics over the

album art area.


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Hi Ottoman,

I use mp3tag. It´s a free software to tag mp3s. Here´s how to do it. Open mp3tag and open the desired mp3. Click on it and click on extended tags. Then choose UNSYNCEDLYRICS and click the icon with the sheet of paper and the pencil. An editor will open. If it is not shown, create it by clicking the icon with the sheet and the yellow star. Then select UNSYNCEDLYRICS in Field.

Now look for any lyrics on the internet copy and paste it in the editor (Value).Click on OK two times. Finished.

Sorry for my English. I am German.

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Hallo Oldfield,

Thank you for your suggestion; I checked the application and it is acceptable. Unfortunately, none of my MP3 files include the tag UNSYNCEDLYRICS and it is very tedious to add it each time. Plus, I have to search for the lyrics and copy and paste them. I was expecting the software to do this for me ;-).

Is there anything more advanced even if it is not free?

By the way, your English is near-perfect just because nothing is perfect!


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How can you attach lyrics to your song, how do u download them? I noticed some of my songs had lyrics and would like lyrics for my other songs, however, i don't know how to do that -__- ?

Search for "lyrics" in the Android market and you should find "Lyrics App" by TuneWidgets.

In Poweramp's settings go to "Scrobbling" and turn on "Scrobble via Simple Last.fm".

The rest is self-explanatory.

This will not add lyrics to your ID3 tags.


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How can you attach lyrics to your song, how do u download them? I noticed some of my songs had lyrics and would like lyrics for my other songs, however, i don't know how to do that -__- ?

Search for "lyrics" in the Android market and you should find "Lyrics App" by TuneWidgets.

In Poweramp's settings go to "Scrobbling" and turn on "Scrobble via Simple Last.fm".

The rest is self-explanatory.

This will not add lyrics to your ID3 tags.


Well, how good is this? The quest now is for an application that will add it to the tag.

Any more suggestions?

There must be something out there....!

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There is planned support for downloadable lyrics for PowerAMP, but it wont include "write to tag" part because:

- it's slow - requires complete file rewrite, meaning skipping, pops and cracks when such writing to tag happens

- it's generally illegal due to the terms of services of licensed lyrics providers


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Poweramp v.1.3 has special open API for other lyrics searching apps to integrate into Poweramp and show found lyrics over the

album art area.

Are there any apps that are already using this API? Have you considered collaborating with the developed of Lyrics App? Lyrics fetching is the only major missing feature for me in this otherwise perfect music player.

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