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PA w/o google services (further questions on FAQ)


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I saw the FAQ about "unlocker w/o google account" and it said it was possible with a gmail account but required google services?

Just to make sure I understand, if I access my gmail via a non-google pop/imap client then it would not be possible to use the unlocker?

I realy have found there is no substitute for PA, but I really prefer not to install HTC Email, Motorola Blur, or Yahoo mail app is there no other way to install w/o using closed/invasive software?

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You don't have to actually use that email app, just have it present and the account set up while PA is authenticated. You might need it again in future if PA needs to re-authenticate (see http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323557-is-internet-connection-required for when that might happen) but  otherwise it needn't bother you.


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  • 4 months later...

You have to hand over your email address to be linked to your other Google accounts via their privacy policy (they will do this regardless of whether you set this up once and never use it). This is objectionable to many people and not clear on sale.

Many people will have experienced in the past things like their business adwords accounts being linked with youtube and totally unrelated email addresses regardless of their wishes. This is why I never give Google any information any more. They cannot be trusted.

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