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Rating sync between devices


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Hi All,


Probably a question that has been answered times over, but I was wondering if there is any known way to sync your library ratings between devices?
For example, a phone Ive had for several years now has built up a large rating system for a great many songs, now however I am looking to upgrade my phone and will be re-installing Poweramp of course - my query is though, is it possible to export that set of ratings say and then lay it back down on the new phone once the library of music itself has been copied on to it? as I really do not want to have to go through all my songs a re-rate each single one.


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For a detailed step by step guide

ps, if you want to preserve your playlists, make sure you export them as m3u(8) playlists. Even of you do not place your music in the same location on your new device, you can use npm to import these playlists. It will recreate them for android which you then import into Poweramp. A bit long winded but you would needto do this only once.


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