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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by 6b6561

  1. I think this would be a candidate for the frequent asked list. It pops up every now and then.
  2. It looks like there are old requests to the developers of yt-dl and yt-dlp to add the option for writing cue files but those hasn't been implemented. I found https://gist.github.com/we-taper/96792114f267fc8fcf21807b0e216ffd which is a python script that extracts the relevant parts of the json into a cue file.
  3. I sent a link to a test file to you Andre, you can get it from my S3 test bucket. I have the cue file embedded in my flac files, can that be the difference? Steps to reproduce: Long click on track 2 of the album, create a new playlist Go to playlist and hit play And Poweramp will continue to play beyond the end of the track.
  4. I got the same behavior as @AlexPowerAmplex. I will post more details tomorrow.
  5. @Joey R take a look at https://www.mp3tag.de/en/. mp3tag can scan your library on your PC and you can easily add the cover columns in the report. Right click on the column header row Customize columns New Value -> "Information Fields" and all the Cover fields are there Then add your musik folder and it will fairly quickly scan through all your tracks and then you can sort on the columns and fix the tracks without covers or other issues. Edit 1: It's fairly easy to add images in mpp3tag. I usually take album covers from Apple Music nowadays using google image search. Search for "Artist Album title Apple Music" Click on the small image and it will open up on the right side of the screen Right click on the image and do "copy image" Right click the "image area" in mp3tag do a "Paste Image" Save Edit 2: And you can do the same action to multiple traks in one go. Select all tracks of an album, paste the cover and save.
  6. OP wants an easy way to get to the downloaded album art so that he can embed the images in the audio files. I don't have any interest in this.
  7. I understand the application Sandbox thing as it protects the application data so other applications are not able to get to the data... buuuut... it causes a lot of other issues where you would want to share the data or be able to pick it with a file browser or what ever. How about a "Configurable location for album art cache"?
  8. That's also my conclusion. Maybe the link should include the word "stable" to make it clear.
  9. @andrewilley https://powerampapp.com/downloads/Poweramp-v3-build-last-uni.apk is a direct link to a .apk and this link is taken from the information mail that @Joey R received upon registering Poweramp on the site. His questions: why is there two links in the mail what version will be downloaded by the "last" link
  10. Downloaded using the "Last" link and also downloaded the 976 abd 980 builds. Last download the last stable. $ ls -la total 59508 drwxr-xr-x 2 kea users 4096 Dec 22 12:22 ./ drwxr-xr-x 38 kea users 4096 Dec 22 12:18 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 kea users 19616118 Dec 22 12:18 Poweramp-build-976-uni.apk -rw-r--r-- 1 kea users 21684490 Dec 22 12:22 Poweramp-build-980-uni.apk -rw-r--r-- 1 kea users 19616118 Sep 17 09:02 Poweramp-v3-build-last-uni.apk $ sum * 26513 19157 Poweramp-build-976-uni.apk 52625 21177 Poweramp-build-980-uni.apk 26513 19157 Poweramp-v3-build-last-uni.apk $
  11. The question still remains, what version will you get from the https://powerampapp.com/downloads/Poweramp-v3-build-last-uni.apk URL which is in the registration information mail? Is it the latest stable, or latest beta?
  12. I just spent some time to read through the OP and it makes sense, but it's hard to read and mixes up a couple of topics. The main point is that the download info mail received after site registering lists two different download links. (The album art topic is a side note as OP pointed out) https://forum.powerampapp.com/files/category/2-Poweramp-v3-latest-releases/ https://powerampapp.com/downloads/Poweramp-v3-build-last-uni.apk And here is the question, what version will you receive from the "latest-releases", which is a quite valid question, is it the latest stable or beta? Then the OP ran into some issues and got the advice to install "latest-releases" version and the conclusion from that is that he doesn't know what version he is on. (Easiest way to find out what version is installed is from the "Changelog" from within Poweramp).
  13. Here is also one version https://spikatrix.github.io/Traly/ on how to handle translations. The page has the following comment "Translations in LRC files separated by the ^ character is a non-standard feature and hence is supported in a few applications only. On Android, Huawei's stock music player supports this. " This pages produces a file with both languages on the same row separated by a ^ character. [00:04.80]Mr.Raindrop falling away from me now^[00:04.80]Herr Regndroppe faller bort ifrån mig nu
  14. How much work do you do for a client that has paid for his website and you are not expecting any more pay from him? With Poweramp you are getting the quarterly stable updates + betas. The new setup with paid feature packs sounds like a good idea, this will generate some income for the developer and hopefully speed up some of the requests. Lyrics as Andre said would have been a good candidate for a feature pack, this was something that I was eagerly waiting for and would happily paid for.
  15. Pro tip: Enable "Library access shortcuts" in Playlist Manager settings, this will add a "disc" icon on the startup page, taping the disc takes you to albums. "workflow" Launch Playlist Manager Tap the disc icon Tap the "three dot" menu button Shuffle Tap the album you want to hear and it will be launched in Poweramp
  16. 6b6561


    $8 is quite expensive for an Iranian. Add on top the issues with blocked PayStore, access to credit cards etc. https://iranfocus.com/life-in-iran/50250-minimum-wage-increase-removed-from-agenda-of-irans-supreme-labor-council/
  17. A soul mate! I have asked a couple of times to have a "Shuffle" added as a sort order for Albums Category. This would give you a "Shuffled" list of albums and then you could pick one of the albums on the first screen. I see two benefits from this: Helps you to find something to listen to when you don't know what to listen to. (As you mentioned) and it helps you to re-find albums in your library that you have forgotten about. I did at some point consider to code a Album launcher for PA, simple GUI that would display six albums or so and a re-shuffle button. I got to the point were I started looking into Android app coding and asked for some advice in the API forum where I got some pointers from @flyingdutchman. End of that is that he did add "shuffle" to his Playlist Manager and I use that as a launcher. Three taps in Playlist Manager and I have my shuffle list. I would love to have this embedded in PA but until then this is a good workaround. EDIT: And tapping on the album cover in Playlist Manager launches it in PA, so no need to launch PA and browse for the album. Developer even added a dark theme to make Playlist Manager look more like my dark PA.
  18. Such issues should have been resolved by a full rescan. A reboot before the full rescan could have helped if it was a filesystem issue. How was the bulk renaming done? Edit: original post didn’t mention bulk.
  19. https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/what-is-last-fm-scrobbling I don't think anything good would come out of it with my listening habits... might work if you only listen to favorite tacks, but I tend to pick a random album out of close to a thousand albums and listen to that. What could be fun would be the listen counts etc.
  20. @andrewilley I don't think this is related to Chromecast not able to get the media receiver issue that you describe. (CC has to download a media receiver from Max server, this receiver is what receives the audio stream from the phone). This is a topic that has popped up a couple of times, Chromecast starts the playback but nothing is heard and I would assume that the receiver is on the CC at this point. What's good in this troubleshooting is that @trapier found out that the Poweramp process is binding to the wrong interface on the phone and the workaround is to turn off mobile data during. That's a good thing as that can help other users having CC issues and it also gives @maxmp something to work against.
  21. MIDI is more like the music note papers, tells how the instrument is to be played but doesn't include the instrument so you will not get any sound out of MIDI. This is how the MIDI files are so small as there is no audia data in them. Originally MIDI was used to push the data to a synthesizer that produced the audible sound. If Poweramp would support MIDI, then there would be a need to add a 3rd party MIDI library (doubt that Max would code his own engine) that could generate the audio.
  22. The Google Drive cache folder isn't really an option as it's locked away... I'm using https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.tacit.android.foldersync.lite&hl=en&gl=US to keep my own library in sync with my own server. Should also work with Google Drive.
  23. Have you tapped on the Music Folders and checked that PA is able to see your directories containing your music?
  24. Is the music playable with some other player?
  25. I can't help you much, but please take a look at: https://forum.powerampapp.com/forum/8-external-api/ https://github.com/maxmpz/powerampapi/blob/master/poweramp_api_lib/readme.md
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