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Album cover for whole album, not just the single song?


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Downloaded covers are per-song, not per-album (as some tracks won't even have album titles). If you want to make a cover for an album, you could save a JPG image file inside the folder for that album. See http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323535-how-album-art-for-a-track-is-selected for more details. Or just embed the cover image into each track using a batch tag editor.


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As long as each track has correctly embedded Title tags, then PA should still find artwork for each song anyway, it will just do it track by track. Personally I prefer to embed them though, saves all the problems of going through the whole process again after re-installs, moving to new devices, etc. A batch editor will do that pretty easily.


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Yes, as you play each new track it will look for a matching cover and use that, so it quickly builds up a full list.

Artwork in library lists (e.g. Albums) is based on the art for one song, usually the last one in the album (as that is the last one it reads when scanning).


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