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bug: 3rd party media controls not working


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Hi, i'm using Poweramp and acdisplay (a sort of lock screen), and they used to work flawlessly together when i used the media controls on the lock screen.

Recently i both switched to Poweramp 3 alpha 703 and to a Sony X Compact running android 7.0

and the media controls inside acdisplay work no more.

To understand who's to blame I ran the system media player (by sony) and the controls work well.

So I reverted to Poweramp 2, and it works indeed.

Is there any setting i can use to get version 3 working?

Is this actually a bug that's supposed to be fixed for final release?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would also try build 704 instead of 703 if you are running any version of Nougat. This fixed a few things on my V20. Worth a shot. You have to get 704 from the website as the play store o my downloads 703 if you are signed up for beta.

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