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Question: bit perfect processing


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hi guys,

first of all thanks for sharing your experiences.

I need to know if there is an android phone able to play bit perfect music with Poweramp (=w/o any resampling step).

example: Can my galaxy s6 (exynos) play a 44.1/16 file without any "dsp transformation"... enabling dac to receive and process an untouched 44.1/16 flow?!??


any suggestion would be more than welcome... :)



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ciao Andre,

thank you for the answer.

So can you confirm that coupling PA with a galaxy s6 I'm reaching the following two goals:

1) completely bypass any samsung/android DSP (likely avoiding a V shaped sound signature)

2) assuming my music library is entirely 44.1/16 flac... I would have a bit perfect playback (=no DSP at all --> DAC only receive and process an untouched bits flow) just setting PA alpha to output 44.1/16


Sorry for the cross-check... being not english native... I want to ensure my communication :)

thanks again


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I'm trying... 

a couple of questions:

why is it not possible to set the hi-def output to 16bit? I know that technically 16bit is not hi-def, but it could be usefull to have a "bit-perfect" playback bypassing samsung/android DSP stage...

why the 88.2khz output is not available? the 44.1 is there... so what's up with the 88.2?


thanks in adv


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