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Album art


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Hello.  I want to be able to save all the singles art covers I've downloaded (my preferred art)  . Is there gonna be a file I can save them to one day or a cloud system . I also want to remove the embedded art work too. I would pay ten pounds to be able to do that via this app or similar app. I'm sick of wrong artwork embedded. I'd love to know why this happens. I will get some crazy pictures that have nothing to do with the track I've downloaded. I don't own a computer so an app version of deleting embedded stuff would be cool. ? 

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Poweramp does not embed any artwork into files. It stores/caches downloaded images locally in Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/ in the folders album_art , micro and selected_aa. See http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323535-how-album-art-for-a-track-is-selected for more info on how to control what is displayed.

To embed artwork into the actual music files, use an external utility on your computer such as TagScanner or Mp3tag. That way the image is permanent rather than just for Poweramp to use.


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