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BPM from ID3

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This x100 also. I cannot stress how important this is. There is NO PLAYER in the market that has this feature and able to perform a folder list play. 

It is such a missing feature, that I have at least around 10 friends of mine asking if I know a software that does it, and I'm actually thinking of coding a simple folder player that does this.

If Poweramp does not reply to this question, is there anyone out there interested in co-developing or helping to develop such a player? Contact me at david.afonso@gmail.com


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The trouble with bpm is that neither Poweramp nor android hold this as a field in their media databases so if you wanted to select tracks using bpm as a criteria, you would need to work through each individual track and look at its bpm tag. this would be too slow. Anyone thinking about writing a music player to select bpm would need to create its own database holding bpm. Although not a music player, my app New Playlist Manager allows you to set/edit bpm but not make selections with bpm. I may consider adding my own media database holding tags that do not generally appear in the standard apps so you could at least create playlists using bpm.

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