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Poweramp don´t sort by tracknumber


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We'd need more to go on - what mode are you playing in for example? There are several sort levels (e.g. Albums and then songs) and each have their own sort settings which you can change via their Menu > List Options.



This is news to me, but exactly what I'm looking for.  How do you sort by one thing and *then* another?  I only see an option to click one sort button at a time and I tried doing one then the other to no avail.

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At the moment each sort level (e.g. albums level and songs level) can only have one sort value set for each, there are no layered sort options at each level. But you can set albums and songs to sort using different modes (e.g. alphabetical for album names, and track numbers for songs).


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I ended up re-assigning metadata with Itunes for this problematic album, then resyncing to my phone with iSyncr, and one of those two things fixed the problem.


FWIW, my problem was that this album is one of several in a playlist I defined, so sorting by track number definitely wasn't an option.  The preferred solution is to have multiple sort orders so that 

1) by album

2) by track # 


is possible.  Anywho, problem solved.





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