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I cant see many folders - SOLVED


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I have two problems with my app. First, my library dont show many folders that i have in my phone. I have other music player (original from my mobile) and it shows normally. I tried to refresh/rescan the library but it doesnt work.


Other problem I have it is many folders from the system (about 60), that doesnt have musics and it appears on my library, i will put a link with picture here to show whats happening. Its is terrible, very undesirable..




Sorry about my english and thank you about the attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Andre, I have the same issue. I completed the steps as outlined and Poweramp still can't find all the music on my device. I transferred the audio files with MobileGo. I even made sure to select every folder, including PocketCasts, etc. I have an HTC one M9 running Android 5.1. Any advice? I like Poweramp but can't use it if won't detect all my files.

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I didn't want to start a new thead for this. But I also want to thank you for helping me with some great info and advice a while back.


Ever since you explained the concept of the "Queue" to me, my use of Poweramp has become better and better. I have found several techniques for organizing my music that makes it real easy for me to constuct my queue extremely quickly and easily. I began by having a separate folder for each artist and then having a sub-folder for each album they recorded under that folder. But what a nightmare that was to construct my queue. I had to "enqueue" and "select" each sub-folder separately. It took almost an hour for me to put all my songs (about 8,000) into the queue. And it is so easy to accidently clear the queue. It would be great if the App asked me to verify before clearing the queue.


But it doesn't matter anymore because I found that I can create just a few folders and put all the albums and songs I want intto those folders on my PC. It doesn't take very long to do that although it does take about twice as much storage. I will have to try and see if Poweramp can handle "shortcuts" with tunes. But the point is that after I construct  those few files, it is a snap to build my queue exactly how I like. I only have to enqueue a few files now instead of one for each album.


I've also discovered many features in the "Settings". I don't necessarily understand this R Gain feature. But it is amazing how much more volume I can get by adjusting this setting. For anyone interested it is in Settings -> Audio -> Replay Gain -> Preamp for songs without RG info  .... or .... RG Preamp. Wonderful feature.


So many other wonderful features. Too bad there is not English documents that explain all these features. Especially cross-fading. It took me a lot of time to figure out what that was about.


I love Poweramp so very much. It makes all the other music players I've seen ... well it makes them look pale in comparison.


Thank you again. I owe you for this.

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Great, glad you are enjoying Poweramp more now. There's so much to discover, and so many ways you can do new things with it. One thing you can do by the way is enqueue a whole folder (or artist) at a time (just long-press on the folder and select Enqueue) in case that helps a bit more.


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Great, glad you are enjoying Poweramp more now. There's so much to discover, and so many ways you can do new things with it. One thing you can do by the way is enqueue a whole folder (or artist) at a time (just long-press on the folder and select Enqueue) in case that helps a bit more.



Oh yes! It certainly does help. I never knew that. Thank you so much Andre!!

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I have been using the technique you told me (about long pressing on a folder) and it is really terrific. It makes thing so much easier. Now I can build a Queue with thousands of songs in just a few seconds.


I organized my List Options to show my folders Hierarchically. So I just Long Press on an artist and I get all the songs in all their albums. I organized my favorite artists in a separate folder and so when I Long Press on that folder I instantly get all my favorite artists and all their albums and all their songs. It's wonderful.


But I'm just wondering why I can't find a document that explains just a few of the basics. How can a new user ever figure out about the Queue? I know there is a Help option that shows some on-screen help. But surely someone must have written some kind of User Guide that explains some of the basics. Is there no such document anywhere?


I think I may understand why though. When someone is as enormously talented as the creator of Poweramp with the technical issues of creating Poweramp, it's easy to understand why they may not be as proficient in writing User docs. I see that all the time in my work. People who are quite brilliant when it comes to creating software but can't really write good documentation.


Thank Goodness for this forum and for Andre to help by answering questions. I am enormously grateful.

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I have suggested once or twice that better documentation might help the app, as there is an awful lot in there that I suspect a lot of people never find. I've thought about writing something myself (I have a background in technical journalism and end-user support) but it'd be quite a bit of work and I was given the impression that the FAQs on the site should be sufficient.


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