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Poweramp on Android ignores CUE files

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Can't make Poweramp on Android recognize/play .CUE files...


Poweramp: 2.0.10-build-581-play (Full Version, purchased)
Google Nexus 5
Android 5.1.1

The .CUE file is in a standard format and referring to a single MP3 file:


TITLE "[Trance] Female Vocal Trance (Voices in my Head) #72"
PERFORMER "VideoPhixa"
FILE "[Trance] Female Vocal Trance (Voices in my Head) #72.mp3" WAVE
    TITLE "Angel (Walsh & McAuley Remix)"
    PERFORMER "Giuseppe Ottaviani Feat. Faith"
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Antara (The Circle) (Radio edit)"
    PERFORMER "Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun"
    INDEX 01 05:10:00

No matter what I try, Poweramp just does not see the .CUE file.

1. Changed line inside the CUE file to <<FILE "[Trance] Female Vocal Trance (Voices in my Head) #72.mp3" MP3>> (without the << and >>, obviously)

2. Changed encoding of the CUE file to "ANSI", "UTF-8", and "UTF-8 + BOM"

3. Placed the CUE and the corresponding MP3 files in an isolated folder (without any other files in it)


Any help would be greatly appreciated...

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That looks OK, have you tried trimming the CUE file down to a single entry to see if that works? If the CUE file is in the same folder as the song file, does the long MP3 file get scanned and show up in your music list as just the one long track? (duplicate post removed by the way)


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Thanks for your help! All to no avail however.



1. Removing all other tracks from the CUE file, leaving only [the first] one.

2. Different CUE file encodings, again, in combination with the previous step.

3. Removed all other CUE files just to be sure there is only one CUE file that I am experimenting with.

4. Provided the absolute file path to the MP3 file in the "FILE" line. Used two versions starting with "/sdcard/Music/..." and "/storage/emulated/0/Music/...".


To answer your questions, both the MP3 and the CUE files are always in the same folder.

The MP3 file always shows up as a long track regardless whether I check off "Show CUE disc image files" in the "Lists" section under "Folders and Library" or not.

Also, to avoid the question, "Parse CUE files" setting under "Folders/Library Scanner" is checked off (turned on). No Virtual folder ever shows up however.


Any other suggestions? 

Thanks again!!!

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Renamed the long MP3 file to "72.mp3".
Stripped the CUE file to the following:


TITLE "Female Vocal Trance 72"
FILE "72.mp3" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
TITLE "Angel"

Nothing seems to work. The long 50-minute MP3 track shows up in the list, but the CUE file, however, is just always ignored by Poweramp...

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There is no ticketing system, Poweramp is a one-developer project not a large company. However your comment will have been seen.

Personally, for issues which only affect one user, I would suggest using the Get Support > (menu button) > Contact option inside the app.


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